Computer Proficiency and Brachiopods


So right now, we were asked to write a blog post detailing what we've learnt over the past week regarding computers for our Computer Proficiency course. Truthfully, I haven't really learnt anything new, as most of the material being covered so far is fairly basic information. the one new thing that I did learn though, was that you can drag a window to the top of the desktop in Windows 7 as an alternative way to maximize it. That's pretty neat I suppose.

Earlier today, my classmates and I went on a field trip to a geological formation of sedimentary limestone in Fort McMurray. The limestone contained some pretty cool fossil sponges and invertebrates, and I collected a piece containing a brachipod as well as some other assorted shells, so I'll have to post a picture of that up later.

Platystrophia ponderosa - Photograph taken by Mark A. Wilson (Department of Geology, College of Wooster.)

University Shenanigans

Haha, so it seems that I have to begin using my blog in my Environmental Technologies course. So far the courses have been pretty straight forward, but enjoyable, luckily for me, I already know most of the instructors.

So I guess I'll see y'all 'round.